CEE Tenure Track Faculty: Climate Change Adaptation, Decarbonization and Related Fields

Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Carnegie Mellon University's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty member at the Assistant or Associate (untenured) Professor level. We are seeking candidates with expertise in one or more of the following or related areas; climate change mitigation and/or adaptation, decarbonization of the built environment, engineering climate change solutions, carbon capture, storage, and utilization,  climate and energy policy, and cross-cutting areas including AI, digital twins, data analytics and other computational approaches in these problem domains. Integration of research with community engagement, equity and/or social justice is also desirable. 


Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree (by the time of appointment) from CEE or other relevant engineering background. Interdisciplinary expertise is also highly desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to effectively teach core undergraduate, elective, and graduate courses, to establish and grow a strong externally-supported and internationally-recognized research program, to be a passionate mentor and advisor, and to help promote the general success of the department, College of Engineering, and the University.

Carnegie Mellon University has a distinctive interdisciplinary education and research program that includes activities in sensing, control, information modeling and visualization of infrastructure and environmental systems; environmental chemistry; water and air quality engineering and science; climate change adaptation; engineering for sustainability and resilience; smart cities; environmental nanotechnology and biotechnology; materials modeling; environmental justice, and energy systems analysis. We have state-of-the-art experimental and computing facilities and offer unparalleled opportunities to collaborate with colleagues. In support of interdisciplinary collaborations, a joint appointment between CEE and another department or college at Carnegie Mellon is possible.  

We are strongly committed to all members of our community: students, faculty, and staff. Our vision is to reimagine civil and environmental engineering through innovative leadership in education and research, and by integrating systems thinking and new technologies, and empowering a diverse community of socially conscious problem solvers to lead the world to a sustainable, resilient, equitable, and inclusive future. Our mission is to inspire and educate the next generation of engineers and to conduct engineering science and technology research that addresses important societal challenges. We strive to accomplish this with the highest dedication to quality, integrity, and respect for others. We are particularly interested in applicants who are committed to and have a passion for a culturally diverse environment in research and teaching and who demonstrate an eagerness to strengthen the culture of inclusivity at CMU. We are actively and purposefully committed to considering a diverse applicant pool in terms of gender and gender identity, race, sexual orientation, veteran status, and disability. CMU seeks to meet the needs of dual-career couples and is a member of the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC), which assists with dual-career searches.  The mission, goals, current activities, and research center/institute engagements of the CEE Department are described at www.cmu.edu/cee.